This post is a summary about changing the boring overused words and phrases. Some are used all the time in daily English conversation, here gives you some more advanced or specialized alternatives, that you can use on your daily basis, this is perfect for you if you don’t want to repeat yourself over and over again, and you’ll be like a native.

  • Yes (More formal)
    • Certainly (An Americanism)
    • Absolutely
    • Definitely
    • Don’t mention it
    • I do/will/have
    • Indeed
    • It’s my pleasure
    • I would love to
    • No problem
    • Of course (More casual)
    • Sure
    • Why not?
    • Yep/Yup
    • Yeah (More casual, informal)
    • You have my word
    • You bet
  • No
    • Nope
    • Nah
    • No way
    • Sorry
    • Not likely
    • Absolutely/Certainly/Unfortunately not
    • I’m afraid not
    • If only
    • I’ll pass
    • I’m gonna have to pass
    • I’m good/fine/ok
    • I’d love to, but…
  • Sorry
    • I didn’t meant it/to
    • It was wrong of me
    • I was wrong to
    • I should never have
    • My bad! (An Americanism)
    • Don’t get me wrong
    • I don’t mean to cross the line, is she your new GF?
  • It’s okay
    • It’s all good
    • Don’t worry about it
    • No need to apologize
  • Thank you
    • You’re a star!
    • You’re an absolutely star!
    • You’re a life-saver!
    • You’re the best!
    • I don’t know what I’d do without you!
    • I appreciate it/that!
    • You shouldn’t have!
    • Cheers!
    • Ta!
    • Fab!
    • Thank you for … and everything else.
  • Okay
    • Okey-dokey (Very common, informal)
    • All right
    • Very well
    • Right-oh
    • Fair enough (British style)
  • You’re (very) welcome
    • No problem
    • No worries
    • My pleasure
    • Anytime
    • Don’t mention it
    • You shouldn’t have
    • It’s nothing
    • That’s ok
  • Almost
    • Practically
    • Virtually
  • Also
    • As well
    • Likewise
  • Annoying
    • Pesky
  • Boring
    • Long-winded
    • Tedious
    • Trivial
    • Verbose
  • Because
    • As
    • Due to
    • Due to the fact that
    • Since
    • As the result of
    • Thanks to
    • Out of
    • Now that
  • Completely
    • Definitely
    • Outrightly
    • Utterly
  • Crazy
    • Losing someone’s mind
  • Especially
    • Notably
  • Funny
    • Hilarious
  • Go ahead
    • Ask away
    • Fire away
    • I’m all ears
    • Shoot
  • Goodnight
    • Sleep tight
  • Hello
    • What’s up?
  • How
    • How is everything?
    • Are you ok?
  • Miss
    • Ignore
    • Overlook
  • My fault
    • My mistake
    • My bad (An Americanism)
  • Why/Question
    • How come?
    • What do you mean?
  • Notice/Recommend
    • Just a heads up! …
    • (To cut a) long story short
    • If I were you, …
    • To be honest…
  • Wait
    • Hold on
    • Hold it right there
  • Like
    • I’m just ecstatic about going to visit you soon
    • Get a job within couching distance
    • Couch potato
    • Yummy
    • I’ll be in touch
  • Dislike
    • To be pissed off/ piss sb off
    • I hate his/him guts
    • Yukky
    • (Don’t push me) I cannot take it any more / I cannot stand him any longer
    • Don’t take it out on me
    • I won’t take that crap
    • I won’t buy that beef
    • You make me sick
    • I’m sick of sth.
  • Agree
    • Absolutely
    • I have totally sold out to your idea
    • That makes sense
    • I couldn’t agree more
    • My thoughts exactly
  • Disagree
    • You talk crazy
    • You talk nonsense
  • Satisfy sth.
    • cater to sth.
  • Take a time
    • Sleep on it
  • I like it
    • It’s growing on me
  • I want to do something
    • I’m dying to do something
  • Bye
    • Look, I have got going
  • Relax, please
    • Take it easy
  • That’s hard to said
    • It’s complicated
  • It’s very bad
    • It’s awful
    • It’s rubbish (British)
    • It’s sucked (American)
  • It’s very good
    • It’s awesome
    • It’s fab
  • I’m fine
    • Never better
  • I’m very happy
    • I’m thrilled
    • I’m on cloud nine
    • I’m pumped
    • I’m over the moon
  • I’m very sad
    • I’m down
    • I’m devastated
  • I’m so busy
    • I’m so swamped
  • I’m very tired
    • I’m beat
    • I’m wiped out
    • I’m worn out
    • I’m exhausted
    • I’m knackered
  • I’m on my way
    • I’ll be right there
    • I’m almost there
  • I’m under too much pressure
    • I’m stressed out
  • I’m disappointed
    • This really bums me out
    • I’m bummed out
  • Do you understand?
    • Are you with me?
    • Are we clear?
    • Do I make myself clear?
    • Do you get it?
    • Do you know what I mean?
  • I don’t understand what you are saying
    • You lost me
    • I’m totally lost
  • I don’t understand
    • I don’t get it
  • I don’t know
    • Beats me
    • I have no idea
    • You guess as good as mine
  • I know
    • I’m aware of
    • I got it/got you
    • I see
    • I hear you
    • Sure, no problem
    • Yeah, I see what you mean
    • I take your point
    • I catch your drift
    • I see/get/understand where you’re coming from
  • I will pay the bill
    • I got this
  • I made a big mistake
    • I screwed up
  • That sounds familiar
    • That rings a bells
  • Are you competent
    • Can you handle that
  • Are you angry
    • Are you cool
  • I’m angry
    • I’m upset
    • I’m pissed off
  • I accepted
    • I’m open to it
  • I’ll try it
    • I’ll give it a shot
  • Laugh at you
    • Mocking you
  • You did that perfectly
    • You nailed it
  • Just so so
    • It was all right
    • Not too bad
    • Not really
    • I’m pretty average
    • Not up to much
    • Not so hot
  • In the end
    • At last
    • Ultimately
  • You should try it
    • Give it a shot
  • I slept very well
    • I slept like a baby
  • It’s easy
    • Piece of a cake
  • It’s very difficult
    • That’s a tough one
    • It’s a tough decision
    • It’s arduous
  • It’s very crowded
    • It’s bustling
  • This seems strange and suspicious
    • It seems kinda fishy
  • They haven’t told me about anything
    • They have kept me in the dark
    • I’m in the dark about this
  • Give me more details
    • Fill me in
  • I’m very difficult
    • I’m a total nightmare
  • I’m very angry
    • I’m pissed off
    • I’m furious
  • I’m very hungry
    • I’m starving
  • I’m very scared
    • I’m petrified
  • I have to leave
    • I gotta run
  • I have something coming up
    • I’ve got something coming up
  • Don’t worry
    • Pace yourself
    • Easy does it
    • Take your time
    • Don’t sweat it
    • Let it go
  • As usual
    • As always
    • Like normal
    • Same old same old
  • What do you want to do tonight?
    • What are you up to tonight?
  • I feel …
    • It’s giving me a vibe of …
  • I think
    • In my opinion, …
    • As far as I see, …
  • I think I’d better do something
    • I figure I’d better do something
  • Here is the thing
    • Here is the deal
  • This is very important to me
    • This is near and dear to me
  • I worked very hard every day
    • I worked around the clock
  • I don’t care
    • It’s up to you/You decide
    • Either one is okay
    • I’m cool with anything
    • Whatever
    • Anything will do
    • It’s your call
    • Have it your way
    • Whatever floats your boat
    • Whatever works for you
    • I’m all yours
    • At your disposal
  • Long time no see
    • It’s been ages
    • It’s been a while
    • Good to see you again
  • A lot of
    • A bunch of
    • A bundle of
    • A crowd of
    • A multitude of
    • A myriad of
    • A number of
    • A pile of
    • A ton of
    • A variety of
    • A (wide) range of
    • Lots of
    • Numerous
    • Plenty of
  • A series of
    • A spectrum of
  • Accidentally
    • Inadvertently
  • Although
    • Though
    • Notwithstanding
    • Albeit
    • Even so
    • After all
  • Angry
    • Irritated
    • Mad
    • Offended
    • Take umbrage
    • Unhappy
    • Unpleasant
  • Big
    • Huge
    • Massive
    • Gigantic
  • Blur
    • Hazy
    • Nebulous
    • Vague
  • Boring
    • Lame
  • Boast
    • Brag
  • Casually
    • Haphazardly
  • Certainly
    • Assuredly
    • Reliably
  • Circumstance
    • Plot
  • Concise
    • Terse
    • Succinct
  • Consist
    • Compose
    • Comprise
    • Constitute
  • Compulsory
    • Obligatory
  • Come on
    • Keep going
    • Keep pushing
    • Hanging there
    • (You) go girl/boy, go get them
    • You’re doing great
    • You can do it
    • You’ve got this
    • Stay strong
    • I believe in you
    • I got your back, bro
  • Decline
    • Decrease
    • Deteriorate
    • Drop down
    • Fall
    • Go down
    • Go south
  • Detailed
    • Blow-by-blow
    • Elaborate
    • Exhaustive
    • Thorough
  • Difficult
    • Tough
  • Difficulty
    • Complication
  • Differentiate
    • Discriminate
    • Distinguish
  • Disabled
    • Handicapped
  • Disadvantage
    • Blemish
    • Defect
    • Downside
    • Drawback
    • Flaw
  • Do
    • Cope
    • Deal
    • Handle
    • Tackle
    • Wrestle with
  • Dramatically
    • Notably
    • Markedly
    • Memorably
    • Observably
    • Signally
  • Enough
    • Adequate
    • Sufficient
  • Embarrassing
    • Awkward
    • Cringey
  • Excited
    • Thrilled
    • Psyched
  • Exhausted
    • Beat
    • Knackered
  • Execute
    • Carry out
    • Give a go
  • Expect
    • Anticipate
  • Explain sth.
    • Reason sth.
  • Extraordinary
    • Nontrivial
  • Extremely happy
    • High spirits
    • Light hearted
    • Upbeat
    • Walk on air
  • Familiar
    • Acquainted
    • Conversant
  • Fashion
    • Chic
    • Trendy
  • For
    • In order to
    • For the sake of
    • In/On behalf of
    • So as to
    • So that
  • Force
    • Coerce
  • Forget it
    • Never mind
    • Discard that
    • Ignore what I said
    • Don’t worry about it
    • It’s not important
  • Good
    • Great
    • Pleasant
    • Superb
    • Super-duper
    • Excellent
  • Great
    • Epic
    • Exceptional
    • Grand
    • Marvelous
    • Terrific
    • Phenomenal
    • Top-notch
  • Giant
    • Enormous
    • Mammoth
    • Gigantic
  • Goal
    • Objective
  • Happy
    • Joyful
    • Elated
    • Ecstatic
  • Happen
    • Occur
    • Take place
    • Come up
  • If…
    • In case…
  • Immediately
    • Instantly
    • Promptly
  • Imply
    • Allude
  • Implicit
    • Alluding
    • Implied
    • Veiled
  • Improve
    • Amend
    • Enhance
    • Revamp
  • In conclusion
    • By and large
    • In summation
    • To encapsulate
  • In fact
    • Factually
  • Good luck
    • Best wishes
    • Break a leg
    • Stroke of luck
  • Rareness
    • Scarcity
  • Kind of
    • Appreciably
    • A bit
    • A touch of
    • Somewhat
  • Impressive
    • Breathtaking
    • Exciting
  • Interesting
    • Fascinating
    • Captivating
    • Engaging
    • Attractive
    • Glamorous
  • What’s up?
    • How’re you?
  • Not bad
    • Nothing, how about you?
    • Not much, you?
  • Just so so
    • It’s alright
    • It’s ok
    • It’s not bad
  • Like
    • Resemble
  • Like (as a filler word)
    • Um…
    • You know…
  • Likely
    • Apt
  • Lucky
    • Blessed
    • Jammy
  • Mainly
    • Mostly
    • Predominantly
  • My English isn’t so good
    • My English is shit
  • My instincts tell me…
    • I have a hunch…
    • My gut said…
    • I felt it in my gut
    • It’s just a gut feeling
  • Nice
    • Lovely
    • Charming
    • Delightful
  • Not working
    • Down
    • Blocked
    • Clogged
    • Out of order
    • Obstructed
    • Frozen
    • Jammed
    • Malfunctioning
  • Conversely
    • On the contrary
    • Oppositely
  • Outstanding
    • Highlighted
    • Prominent
    • Salient
  • Pitiful
    • Poor you
    • That sucks
    • Sorry to hear that
    • I feel your pain
    • I getcha(I get you)
  • Promote
    • Foster
  • Prototype
    • Archetype
  • Passionate
    • Go crazy for
  • Polite
    • Courteous
    • Good-mannered
  • Poor
    • Pathetic
  • Probably
    • Presumably
    • Roughly
    • Sketchily
  • Prove
    • Bear out
  • Realize
    • Be aware of
    • Notice
    • Perceive
  • Relaxed
    • Cushy
  • Replace
    • Alternate
    • Displace
    • Substitute
    • Supersede
  • Root cause
    • Rationale
  • Sad
    • Gloomy
    • Heartbroken
    • Upset
  • Salary
    • Compensation
    • Remuneration
  • Same
    • Identical
  • Seldom
    • Rarely
    • Hardly ever
    • I don’t really do…
    • That’s not for me
  • Show
    • Demonstrate
    • Shed light on
  • Simple
    • Straightforward
  • Silly
    • Absurd
  • Small
    • Tiny
    • Teeny
    • Compact
    • Petite (For woman)
  • So
    • Consequently
    • Hence
    • Therefore
  • Spread
    • Disseminate
  • Start
    • embark
  • Strange
    • Anticly
    • Bizarre
    • Cranky
    • Odd
    • Peculiar
    • Weird
    • Unusual
  • Suddenly
    • Abruptly
  • Surprise
    • Astonish
    • Stun
  • Taste
    • Flavor
    • Palate
  • Terrible
    • Awful
    • Dreaded
    • Dreadful
    • Fearful
    • Frightful
    • Scary
  • Think carefully
    • Deliberate on
    • Ponder
  • Tiny
    • Bite-sized
  • Trick
    • Bamboozle
  • Troublesome
    • It’s a pain in the arse
    • It’s a pain in the butt
    • It’s a pain in the bottocks
    • It’s a pain in the booty
    • It’s a pain in the neck
  • Tough
    • Arduous
  • True
    • Authentic
    • Genuine
  • Turn around
    • Pivot
  • Unreadable
    • Elusive
  • Use
    • Exploit
    • Leverage
    • Utilize
  • Very
    • Extremely
    • Enormously
    • Fairly
    • Ferociously
    • Freaking
    • Immensely
    • Incrediblely
    • Quite
    • Remarkablely
    • Stunningly
    • Tremendously
    • Vastly
  • Very rarely
    • Once in a blue moon
  • Waste time
    • Faffing around
  • Ways
    • Approaches
    • Avenues
  • What a pity
    • That sucks
    • (That’s) too bad
    • That’s a shame
  • Well done
    • Way to go
  • You are great
    • You rock
    • You’re amazing
  • To postpone something
    • Put something on ice
  • Others
    • Get in rut
    • A dap and dip
    • Arm with
    • Calm down
    • What’s new?
    • It’s a nice day!
    • I’m sorry to bug you
    • Help yourself
    • After you
    • I see
    • What have you been up to?
    • Enough about you
    • Not a lot. Just chill out
    • Catch you later
    • I should pop into somewhere
    • If you don’t mind me/my asking
    • It’d be nice if we could doing something
    • Did you hear about something
    • How come you two did something
    • What are you on about?
    • Can you budge up?
    • Keep sb. in the loop
    • Tackle the problem
    • Come/get to grips with something
    • Can I take a rain check
    • How dare you!
    • I’m rooting for you
    • Sleep on it
    • I don’t buy it
    • Do me a favor
    • I’m at the loss for words
    • Why are you trippin
    • On cloud nine
    • Out of wind/breath
    • Six of one
    • Give it to me straight
    • Right as rain
    • Having second thoughts
    • Do I look like I care?
    • I call the shots
    • Keep your chin up
    • Suit yourself
    • Don’t beat yourself up
    • Bob’s your uncle
    • I don’t know jack about something
    • Jackass
    • It baffles me
    • Can I can a can
    • I saw a saw
    • Duck the problem
    • Dog someone
    • Monkey around
    • Two to two
    • Fox someone
    • Take a leak
    • Take a dump
    • Take a rain check
    • It’s good to do something
    • The greatest of all time
    • name your price
    • Let me be clear
    • Seize the day
    • Be right here
    • Be right back
    • Keep it to yourself
    • No sweat
    • I’m not myself
    • Mayday
    • Broke you down
    • Chatter on
    • Count me in
    • Easy touch
    • You asked for it
    • You deserve it
    • Smart-ass
    • Piss off
    • I have two left feet
    • Cut in line
      • Budge in line
    • He’s so trashy
    • He’ll play dumb
    • Don’t be an ass
    • You crack me up
    • You freak me out
    • You’re driving me crazy
    • You’re getting on my nerves
    • You piss me off
    • Life of the party
    • What a bummer
    • It’s a huge bummer
    • Scoot over
    • Catch you at a bad time?
    • Don’t sugarcoat it
    • Cut to the chase
    • What’s your take?
    • What are you getting at?
    • With all due respect
    • You put me on the spot
    • Rise and shine
    • Without further ado
    • What’s it to you?
    • Same old same old
      • Just usual
      • You know how it goes
    • I’ll pass
    • Clutching somebody pearls
    • That’s the last straw
    • Forgive and forget
    • Over my dead body
    • Tooth and nail
    • One and only
    • Safe and sound
    • Fair and square
    • I don’t give a shit
    • I don’t give a damn
    • I don’t buy it
    • I had a brain fart
    • You shouldn’t have
    • You’re a pain in the neck
    • We don’t get alone
    • You are neither inferior nor superior to anyone
    • Knock it off
      • Call it off
    • Make up your mind
    • Call the shots
    • Face the music
    • Own up to it
    • Make an effort
    • Give it your best shot
    • Look on the bright side
    • Keep your chin up
    • Hold your horses
    • Hang in there
    • That’s very big of you
    • You know jack
      • Ok, I’m on it
    • On the bright side; On the flip side
    • Cut both ways
    • A mixed blessing
    • A stepping stone
    • Stumbling block
    • Hold water
    • Way way better/easier
    • All or nothing
    • Now or never
    • Make or break
    • Do or die