Internet slang in English
Internet users have developed many slang terms over the years. Here is a collection in my daily learning:
- AAMOF - As a matter of fact
- ABT - About
- ADN - Any day now
- AFK - Away from keyboard
- AMA - Ask me anything
- ADIH - Another day in hell
- AFAIC - As far as I’m concerned; as far as I care; as far as I can
- AFAIK - As far as I know
- AFAIR - As far as I recall; as far as I remember
- ASAP - As soon as possible
- ASL - Age, sex, location
- AYMM - Are you my mother
- AYOR - At your own risk
- B/C - Because
- B@U - Back at you
- B4N - Bye for now
- BAE - Before anyone else
- BBBG - Bye bye be good
- BBIAS - Be back in a sec
- BBL - Be back later
- BBS - Be back soon
- BCNU - Be seeing you
- BF - Boy friend
- BFF - Best friend forever
- BMT - Before my time
- BOL - Be on later
- BOT - Back on topic
- BSAAW - Big smile and a wink
- BRB - Be right back
- BRO - Brother
- BT - But
- BTW - By the way
- BUMP - Bring up my post
- BWL - Bursting with laugher
- CFY - Calling for you
- CU - See you
- CUL - See you later
- CUZ - Cause
- CS - Career suicide
- CSL - Can’t stop laughing
- CWOT - Complete waste of time
- CYA - Cover your ass
- CYS - Check your settings
- CYT - See you tomorrow
- DAE - Does anyone else?
- DBMIB - Don’t bother me I’m busy
- DFTBA - Don’t forget to be awesome
- DIKU - Do I know you?
- DIY - Do it yourself
- DM - Direct Message
- DND - Do not disturb
- DR - Double rainbow
- DWBH - Don’t worry, be happy
- DWH - During work hours
- E123 - Easy as one, two, three
- ELI5 - Explain like I’m 5
- EMBM - Early morning business meeting
- EOM - End of message
- EOS - End of story
- F2F - Face to face
- FAWC - For anyone who care
- FB - Facebook
- FAQ - Frequently asked questions
- FFS - For fuck’s sake!
- FIFY - Fixed it for you
- FIMH - Forever in my heart
- FITB - Fill in the blank
- FML - Fuck my life
- FOAF - Friend of a friend
- FOMO - Fear of missing out
- FTL - For the loss
- FTW - For the win
- FYE - For your entertainment
- FYEO - For your eyes only
- FYI - For your information
- FYR - For your reference
- FWIW - For what it’s worth
- G2G - Got to go
- GR8 - Great
- GA - Go ahead
- GAL - Get a life
- GAHOY - Get a hold of yourself
- HAND - Have a nice day
- GF - Girl friend
- GM - Good morning
- GN - Good night
- HAND - Have a nice day
- HB - Hurry back
- HBD - Happy birthday
- HBU - How about you?
- HIFW - How I feel when
- HMU - Hit me up
- HRU - How are you?
- HTH - Hope this helps
- GAGF - Go and get fucked
- GFN - Gone for now
- GFY - Good for you
- GG - Good going; good game
- GJ - Good job
- GL - Good luck
- GMTA - Great minds think alike
- GOI - Get over it
- GRAS - Generally recognised as safe
- GRATZ - Congratulations
- IANAL - I am not a lawyer
- IC - I see
- ICYDK / ICYDN / ICUDK - In case you didn’t know
- ICYMI - In case you missed it
- IDC - I don’t care
- IDK - I don’t know
- IFYP - I feel your pain
- ILY - I love you
- IMO - In my opinion
- IMU - I miss you
- IRL - In real life
- IIRC - If I recall/remember correctly
- IMHO - In my humble opinion
- IU2U - It’s up to you
- J4F - Just for fun
- JFY - Just for you
- JAM - Just a minute
- JIC - Just in case
- JK - Just kidding
- JOOC - Just out of curiosity
- JSYK - Just so you know
- LGTM - Looks good to me (frequently used when reviewing documents)
- LMK - Let me know
- LMAO - Laughing my ass off
- LMBO - Laughing my butt off
- LOL - Laughing out loud; lots of laughs
- LGTM - Look good to me
- LTNS - Long time no see
- LYLAS - Love you like a sister
- MFW - My face when
- MRW - My reaction when
- MSG - Message
- NAGI - Not a good idea
- NBD - Not big deal
- NE1 - Anyone
- NFS - Not for sale
- NM - Never mind; Not much
- NP - No problem
- NT- No text
- NTH - Nice to have
- NSFL - Not safe for life
- NSFW - Not safe for work
- NVM - Nevermind
- O - Oh
- OC - Original content
- OFC - Of course
- OH - Overhead
- OIC - Oh, I see
- OMD - Oh, my damn
- OMDB - Over my dead body
- OMG - Oh my god!
- OMFG - Oh my fucking God!
- OMFL - Oh my fucking lag!
- OMW - On my way
- OOC - Out of character; Out of curiosity
- OP - Original poster
- OT — Off topic; Over time
- OTOH - On the other hand
- PFO - Please fuck off
- PITA - Pain in the ass
- PLS - Please
- PPL - People
- PRT - Please retweet
- POV - Point of view
- PTB - Please text back
- P2P - Person to person
- Q4U - Question for you
- QQ - Crying
- RBTL - Read between the lines
- RIP - Rest in peace
- RLRT - Real life retweet
- ROFL - Rolling on the floor laughing
- RSVP - Respond, if you please
- RT - Retweet
- RTFA - Read the fucking article
- RTFM - Read the fucking manual
- RUOK - Are you OK?
- SFW - Safe for work
- SMH - Shaking my head
- SOML - Story of my life
- SRSLY - Seriously
- SSDD - Same stuff, different day
- STFU - Shut the fuck up
- TBH To be honest
- TBT - Throwback Thursday
- TFW - That feeling when (often goes in a caption to an image)
- TIA - Thanks in advance
- TIL - Today I learned
- TIME - Tears in my eyes
- TLDR - Too Long; Didn’t Read.
- TMB - Tweet me back
- TMR - Tomorrow
- TNTL - Trying not to laugh
- TTFN - Ta ta for now
- TTYL - Talk to you later
- W8 - Wait
- WDUWTA - What do you wanna talk about?
- WTF - What the fuck?
- WTPA - Where the party at?
- WUZUP - What’s up?
- WYWH - Wish you were here
- YGTR - You got that right
- YMMV - Your mileage may vary (you may see different results)
- YNK - You never known
- YOLO - You only live once
- ZZZ - Sleeping, bored, tired
- 121 - One to one
- 2B - To be
- 2day - Today
- 2moro - Tomorrow
- 2nite - Tonight
- 2M2H - Too much to handle
- 4AO - For adult only
- 4EAE - For ever and ever
- OTL/ORZ/OTZ - O: head, T/R: body and arms, L/Z: legs
- :-) - Smiley
- :-P - Cheekiness or Playfulness
- (-) - Smile
- :)) - Laugh out loudly
- =) - Happy
- (?_?) - What?
- (*_*) - Jesus
- \(o)/ - Boo
- (o;) - Panic
- Oo/O_o - Surprise
- Bump - A bump is a post meant to bring a topic in the Scratch forums to the top of the forum.
- Cluebie - A newbie with a clue, but not close to a guru.
- Epic fail - Utter, total failure, especially where success should have been reasonably expected.
- Facepalm - The gesture of placing the palm of one’s hand across the face, as to express emotion.
- Flamer - One who ‘flames’; To rant on about some relatively uninteresting subject or with a patently ridiculous attitude or with hostility towards a particular person or group of people. “Flame” is used as a verb (“Don’t flame me for this”), a flame is a single flaming message. Also is likely to relate to the term lamer.
- Guru - An expert in some technical topic, such as as C programming or Unix system administration.
- Haha/Mwahaha/Bahaha - Used to represent laughter, especially triumphal or cackling laughter.
- Handle/Alias - My Twitter handle @someone. You can follow me.
- Hijack - Go offtopic. done commonly by newbies in forums.
- Just sayin’ - Used when someone is offended by something you said.
- Lag - Fail to keep up with another or others in movement or development.
- Lurker - A user of an Internet message board or chat room who does not participate.
- Newbie - A new user. Not a pejorative term (but see RTFM, preceding).
- Noob - A person who is inexperienced in a particular sphere or activity.
- Meme - An idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture.
- Photobomb - A photograph that has been spoiled by the unexpected appearance.
- Pwned - It’s typically used to imply that someone has been controlled or compromised.
- Spam - Any kind of unwanted, unsolicited digital communication that gets sent out in bulk.
- Troll - A troll is a person who starts flame wars on the Internet. E.g. Don’t feed the trolls.
- Nam’ sayin’ - Do you know what I’m saying