&         ampersand, epershand or and
@         at
%         percent
/         slash, forward slash, oblique, solidus, stroke or division
\         backslash
.         period(US), full stop(UK) or dot
*         asterisk, multiplication or star
~         tilde
_         underscore
+         plus
-         minus, hyphen or dash
=         equal sign
`         back tick/quote, acute, grave accent or open quote
#         hash, pound, sharp or number sign
!         bang or exclamation mark/point
()        round brackets, brackets(UK) or parentheses(US)
[]        square brackets(UK) or brackets(US)
{}        braces, squiggly braces curly brackets(UK) or French braces(US)
<>        angle brackets
<<        left guillemet, left double angle quotation marks
>>        right guillemet, right double angle quotation marks
《》      French quotes
:         colon
;         semi-colon
,         comma
|         pipe or bar or vertical bar/line
‖         parallel
"         double quote, inverted commas(UK) or quotation marks(US)
'         single quote, apostrophe, single inverted commas(UK) or single quotation marks(US)
$         dollar sign or generic currency
^         carat or circumflex
>         greater than
<         less than
?         question mark
•         bullet
©         copyright sign
®         registered sign
™         trade mark sign
°         degree
′         minute
″         second
✓         check mark
…         ellipsis points
≈         almost equal to
≡         identical to sign
≌         is equal to or approximately equal to
≠         not equal to sign
¬         not sign
∞         infinity
◊         lozenge
µ         micro sign
Ω         ohm sign
¡         inverted exclamation mark
¿         inverted question mark
‰         per mille sign
‱         per ten thousand sign
¹         superscript one
²         superscript two
£         pound or pound sterling
€         Europe dollar
¢         cent sign
¥         Yen sign or Chinese/Jepanese Yuan
₹         Rupee
₽         Ruble
§         micro or section sign
♂         male sign
♀         female sign
½         one half fraction
⅓         one third fraction
¼         one quarter fraction
¾         three quarters fraction
⅔         two thirds fraction
⁂         asterism
∵         since/because
∴         hence
∷         equals, as(proportion)
∠         angle
⌒         semicircle
⊙         circle
○         circumference
π         pi
△         triangle
⊥         perpendicular to
∪         union of
∩         intersection of
∫         the integral of
∑         (sigma) summation of
℃         degree Celsius

NOTE:     left/open and right/close for the pair of symbols.