- Pitch
- Beats
- Sound range
- Usually the vocal range of a song is only about one octave of the vocal range, and the two vocal ranges are already very wide.
- Breath (lung capacity)
- pronunciation (relaxed throat)
- The key is how to stabilize the vocal position (i.e. larynx position), that is how to control the larynx position. When ordinary people sing, the position of the larynx will be raised as the pitch rises, because this is the easiest way.
- To sing in the way of speaking
- Pronunciation/resonance part
- Pharyngeal Resonance
- The main vocal part of the midrange (relative to the individual)
- Most people in the East have a flat pronunciation like Thai people, and most people in the West have a penetrating, full and thick pronunciation. The difference lies in the posterior pharynx. For example: vowel letter O
- Using the posterior pharyngeal cavity can make the sound fuller and thicker. Practice method: the transformation process of the bubble sound from E to O,
- Abdominal cavity (Dan Tian in Chinese)
- The feeling when coughing, reading S hard, or frightening (i.e. Abdominal breathing method)
- Chest Resonance
- The main sounding part of the bass (makes the sound more magnetic and thick)
- Chest breathing
- Direct loss due to high location
- Head Resonance
- The main vocal part of the treble
- Requires systematic development training
- Pharyngeal Resonance
- pronunciation (relaxed throat)
- Feelings
- Severity (volume expression)
- True and false voices falsetto right breath
- Mixing
- The sound is divided into four levels from false to true
- The first-level falsetto
- The second-level strong falsetto, also known as head voice
- The third-level mixing is 60% true sound and 40% false sound, it sounds like the true sound already, the lower the mixing into the true sound, the more difficult it is
- The fourth-level strong strong true voice
- The sound is divided into four levels from false to true
- Nasal
- Vocal Fry
- Gulling & Raging (roaring, tearing)
- Vibrato (Vibrato)
- Classification
- Strong vibrato
- Weak vibrato
- Weak crescendo,
- Strong crescendo
- Grand vibrato
- Straight vibrato
- Practice dog barking, send prosperous words in rapid succession, and then become woo-woo~, as fast as possible
- The breath control of vibrato, the practice of sudden strength of breath, that is, the sudden strength at the beginning of each sound
- Classification
- Cry
- Husky
- Pitching (slow play practice)
- Tri-translation (common)
- Convex tri-turn
- Concave tri-turn
- Down three-turn
- Multi-translation (e.g. The Thing You Don’t Know - Leehom Wang)
- Pentatonic
Stage Performance
- Facial expressions
- Body language
Treble part, pistol-shaped face side up slowly
The whole arrangement
Combine the above techniques