Nowadays heterogenous systems have been developed and served for us, they were designed by different architectures, which were practical guidelines to get better software like maintainable, testable, easy to use, scalable and many more.
Different architectures are born to solve different, problems, the architecture is just a framework, we put different business logic and algorithms into it. This handbook is mainly about the software architecture, and hope it can get you systematic domain knowledge.
Software Architecture Development
Main Streaming:
- Monolithic
- If an old monolithic application wants to move forward and expand, there is another cost-effective way, which is the modular monolith. It first divides the single application itself into modules and establishes boundaries, which can not only reduce the burden on new engineers to understand business knowledge, but also reuse the existing architecture.
- Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
- ESB is one of the main technologies to realize SOA
- Microservice
- Microservice is an implementation methodology to implement SOA.
- Design Patterns
- Decomposition Design Patterns
- Decompose by Business Capability
- Decompose by Subdomain
- Decompose by Strangler
- Integration Design Patterns
- API Gateway
- Aggregator
- Proxy
- Client Side UI Composition
- Chain Of Responsibilities
- Branch
- Database Design Patterns
- Database per Service
- Shared Database per Service
- Command Query Responsibility Segregator (CQRS)
- Saga
- Asynchronous Messaging
- Event Sourcing
- Observability Design Patterns
- Log Aggregation
- Performance Metrics
- Distributed Tracing
- Health Check
- Cross Cutting Concern Design Patterns
- External Configuration
- Service Discovery
- Circuit Breaker
- Blue Green Deployment
- Blue Environment: The old application running in the production is called blue environment.
- Green Environment: The new services deployed which replicates the given part of old application is called the green environment.
- Decomposition Design Patterns
- Categories
- API Gateway
- Service Mesh
- Data Plane
- Control Plane
- Event-driven Architectures (EDA)
- Event Producer -> Event Router -> Event Consumer
- Event Router can be Kafka, etc.
- Cloud Native (Utilize cloud services such as EC2, S3, AWS Lambda, etc.)
Communication between Different Architecture
Network protocols, also known as API architecture styles:
- RESTful = Resource = HTTP + JSON
- GraphQL
- It’s more difficult to cache as a single point of entry and using HTTP POST by default, this prevent the full use of HTTP caching. But it could be configured to better leverage HTTP caching
- Websocket
- Primarily used for two-way communication between a client and server
- Make the server stateful as it now contains the active connection, and therefore more difficult to scale
- Examples
- A web document editing service that allows multiple people to edit and update a document in real-time via their browsers
- Webhook (Async callback)
- Primarily used for one-way communication
- It’s event-driven compared with HTTP/RESTful (poll, time-driven)
- Inherently stateless as they don’t need to keep an open connection, so scaling them is far easier
- Examples
- A service that regularly publish updates to many different consumers
- GitHub
- New Branch
- Code Push
- Pull Request
- Slack
- New Message
- @ Mention
- App Notification
- Stripe
- New Payment
- Payment Dispute
- New Subscription
Classic examples:
- CXF is a SOAP/RESTful framework
- Dubbo is a RPC framework
- SpringCloud is a RESTful eco-system
Moving from monolithic applications to microservice faces several problems:
- Management of microservices.
- Microservice direct access.
- Load balancing of the microservices themselves.
- Microservices are broken and downgraded.
- Distributed transaction tracing for microservices.
- Microservice log collection and analysis.
Distributed System
Nowadays, it’s already the norm for the ordinary PC-level servers to reach tens of thousands of TPS on a standalone machine with an average latency of 500ms or less in distributed systems.
Some problems for Internet business:
- C10K problem (Concurrent 10K connections)
- C1000K problem (Concurrent 1000K connections)
Some ideas for distributed systems for massive data on the Internet:
- Hot/cold separation
- Load balancing
- Parallel scaling
- Parallel Processing
- Split repository and split table
- Service clustering
- Tiered design
- Access layer
- Load balancing and flexible route distribution based on various policies
- Service layer
- It can be grouped by function
- Data layer
- Spread data across different database instances based on rules such as business types
- …
- Access layer
- Performance expansion approaches
- Parallel expansion
- Elastic expansion
- 3D expansion
Basic Theories
The transformation of computer systems from centralized to distributed, along with a series of problems and challenges including distributed networks, distributed transactions, and distributed data consistency, has also led to the rapid development of a large number of classic theories, such as ACID, CAP and BASE, etc.
CAP Theorem
In theoretical computer science, the CAP theorem, also named Brewer’s theorem after computer scientist Eric Brewer, states that any distributed data store can provide only two of the following three guarantees:
- Consistency
- This refers to strong consistency. All the servers in the system will have the same data so users will get the same copy regardless of which server answers their request.
- Availability
- The system will always respond to a request (even if it’s not the latest data or consistent across the system or just a message saying the system isn’t working).
- Partition Tolerance
- The system continues to operate as a whole even if individual servers fail or can’t be reached.
- If the system cannot achieve data consistency within the time limit, it means that a partition has occurred, and a choice must be made between C and A for the current operation.
The CAP theorem provides a tool to make design choices while building a distributed system.
Cassandra is an AP system, distributed Redis is AP system, etcd is CP system, Mongo DB is CP. MySQL is a CA system, but it’s not distributed.
Before designing the architecture, do consider whether the business is an AP model or a CP model.
ACID Theorem
Transactions have four properties: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and persistence. These four properties are commonly referred to as ACID characteristics. ACID compliance guarantees the validity of data in events of errors, hardware, or power failures.
- Atomicity
- All the changes which are part of a single transaction are performed or everything is rolled back and none of these changes take effect.
- Consistency
- It refers to guarantee that all data that is written to the database will confirm to defined schema and constraints at the time of saving the data.
- 2 Categories
- Transaction Consistency (i.e. ACID)
- Data Consistency
- Distributed storage of data is the only reason for consistency
- In distributed systems, consistency refers to data consistency in multi-replica problems.
- Isolation
- It refers to the ability of a database to isolate data among transactions providing an independent view of the data.
- Thus if multiple transactions are executed concurrently, these should not interfere or see intermediate or incorrect data and the result should be the same as if they were run sequentially.
- Isolation levels are configurable in most DBMS, providing control to Database Administrators to decide the level of isolation.
- Most DBMS provides the following levels of Isolation:
- Serializable
- Repeatable reads
- Read committed
- Read uncommitted
- Durability
- It refers to the permanent nature of the data that was stored as a part of the transaction once it is successful.
- Once the transaction is complete the subsequent reads should fetch the last written data.
BASE Theorem
BASE is the result of the trade-off between consistency and availability in CAP. It comes from the conclusion of the distributed practice of large-scale Internet systems. It is gradually evolved based on the CAP theorem. Its core idea is that even if strong consistency cannot be achieved (Strong Consistency), but each application can use an appropriate method according to its own business characteristics to make the system achieve eventual consistency.
- Basically Available
- It means the system is mostly available and every working node responds to requests in a reasonable amount of time.
- Soft State
- It refers that the state of a system might vary over time, even without any new input.
- Eventually Consistent
- It refers to the ability of all nodes of a system to become consistent, given enough time.
- The data across different nodes will reflect the same value.
BASE model isn’t suitable for all types of systems: For example, systems that require strict consistency, such as financial systems, or real-time data processing applications, may be unable to tolerate eventual consistency.
The variants of eventual consistency model:
- Causal consistency
- If process A has communicated to process B that it has updated a data item, a subsequent access by process B will return the updated value, and a write is guaranteed to supersede the earlier write. Access by process C that has no causal relationship to process A is subject to the normal eventual consistency rules.
- Read-your-writes consistency
- This is an important model where process A, after it has updated a data item, always accesses the updated value and will never see an older value. This is a special case of the causal consistency model.
- Session consistency
- This is a practical version of the previous model, where a process accesses the storage system in the context of a session. As long as the session exists, the system guarantees read-your-writes consistency. If the session terminates because of a certain failure scenario, a new session needs to be created and the guarantees do not overlap the sessions.
- Monotonic read consistency
- If a process has seen a particular value for the object, any subsequent accesses will never return any previous values.
- Monotonic write consistency
- In this case the system guarantees to serialize the writes by the same process. Systems that do not guarantee this level of consistency are notoriously hard to program.
In actual practice, these variants are often used in combination to build a distributed system with eventual consistency.
ACID is a commonly used design concept in traditional databases, pursuing a strong consistency model. BASE supports large-scale distributed systems, and proposes to obtain high availability by sacrificing strong consistency. ACID and BASE represent two diametrically opposed design philosophies. In the scenario of distributed system design, system components have different requirements for consistency, so ACID and BASE will be used in combination.
Consensus Algorithm
Strong consistency aims to provide a higher level of consistency. Unlike eventual consistency, strong consistency ensures that all nodes see the same data without any temporary inconsistencies.
Strong consistency guarantees that every read operation returns the latest write operation’s result, regardless of the node on which the read operation is executed. This is typically achieved using consensus algorithms.
Paxos Algorithm
Paxos is a distributed consensus algorithm. An algorithm that ensures that a change you make on one object is propagated to all of its replicas over an asynchronous network, is called a consensus algorithm.
Raft Algorithm
Raft is a consensus algorithm designed as an alternative to the Paxos family of algorithms. It was meant to be more understandable than Paxos by means of separation of logic, but it is also formally proven safe and offers some additional features.
Distributed Memberships Algorithm
In distributed systems, failures are the norm rather than the exception. This is because members (or processes) of a group communicate among themselves over an unreliable network and members can crash at some point. The purpose of every Membership Protocol is to provide to each member of a group an updated list with their peers alive. Most modern systems use this peer-to-peer protocol to disseminate information to all the members in a network or cluster.
SWIM membership protocol
SWIM is the acronym of Scalable Weakly-consistent Infection-style Process Group Membership Protocol. A membership protocol ensures that each process of a group updates a local list of non-faulty members of the group. When a new process joins or leaves the group, every local list has to be updated.
There are four key properties that any membership protocol needs to ensure efficiency and scalability:
- Strong Completeness
- Each failure in the system is detected
- Accuracy
- No mistakes when detecting failures. In real life this is not 100% guarantee, so we need to reduce false positives
- Speed of failure detection
- Time to detect a failure
- Scale
- The network load is generated and distributed equally between processes
Gossip Protocol
Fallacies of Distributed Systems
- Network is Reliable
- Latency is zero
- Bandwidth is infinite
- Topology doesn’t change
- Network is secure
- Only one administrator
- Transport cost is zero
Distributed System Characteristics
- No shared clock
- No shared memory
- Shared resources
- Concurrency and consistency
Load Balancing
- Client-side load balancing
- Advantages:
- No more single point of failure as in the case of the traditional load balancer approach.
- Reduced cost as the need for server-side load balancer goes away.
- Less network latency as the client can directly invoke the backend servers removing an extra hop for the load balancer.
- Algorithms
- Round Robin (i = (i + 1) mod n)
- …
- Examples:
- Netflix Ribbon (Default algorithm is Round Robin)
- …
- Advantages:
- Server-side load balancing
- Advantages:
- Simple client configuration: only need to know the load-balancer address.
- Clients can be untrusted: all traffic goes through the load-balancer where it can be looked at.
- Clients are not aware of the backend servers.
- Examples:
- Nginx
- Advantages:
Typical Applications
Distributed system is a very broad concept. It must be implemented to solve practical problems. Different problems have different methods and architectures.
- A type of application based on leader election (e.g. paxos, viewstamp)
- Zookeeper
- Chuby
- A type of applications for distributed transactions
- Distributed database manager
- A type of applications based on weak consistency
- Cassandra’s W, R, N adjustable consistency
- A type of application based on leasing mechanism
- It is mainly the concept of some distributed locks
- A type of applications based on failure detection
- Gossip failure detection algorithms
- Phi failure detection algorithms
- Simple heartbeat
- A type of applications based on weak consistency, causal consistency, and sequential consistency
- A type of applications based on asynchronous decoupling
- Various types of queues
Microservice Architecture
The main features of microservice architecture:
- Microservices are an architecture in themselves, and each microservice can be implemented in a suitable language.
- Each microservice should be as cohesive as possible to avoid external transfers and cross-service transactions.
The main components of microservice architecture:
Service Discovery
- Server-side Discovery
- Client-side Discovery
- ZooKeeper
- ZK satisfies the CP principle. ZK must contain a master-slave relationship, one master and many slaves. When the cluster has no master, it does not provide external services
- ZK adopts the pub/sub mode. When ZK is started for the first time, it subscribes to the service information it needs and caches it locally
- HashiCorp Consul
- Spring Cloud Consul
- Service governance component based on Hashicorp Consul
- Netflix Eureka
- Eureka satisfies the AP principle. All nodes in the Eureka cluster are equal and there is no master-slave relationship, so data inconsistency may occur.
- Eureka adopts the service active pull strategy, and consumers go to pull at a fixed frequency (default 30 seconds) and cache them locally
- SkyDNS
- etcd
- Alibaba Nacos
- Ctripcorp Apollo
- Kubernates
Service Calling
- protobuf (Based on RPC)
- Triple (Based on HTTP/2)
- Dubbo2
- gRPC
- RESTful (Based on HTTP)
- Thrift (Based on RPC)
- …
- OpenFeign
- HTTP + RESTful
- Dubbo
- TCP + Custom (Serialization)
Service Monitoring
We also call it APM (Application Performance Management), which belongs to the category of ITOM (IT operation and maintenance management).
- Dubbo Monitoring
- Spring Admin
API Gateway
- Authentication (Front Desk Design)
- Pros: – Easy to iterate on – Easy to develop quickly – Shortens go-to-market time
- Cons: – Single point of failure – Potentially costly – Rigid architectural constraints
- Filtering
- QPS Limitation
- Downgrade
- Load Balancing
- Analytics
- Performance Monitoring
- Special Use Cases
- Grayscale Releases
- Canary Releases
- A/B Tests
- ….
- Zuul
- Orange
- Kong
- Tyk (GoLang and Open Source)
Load Balancing
- Ribbon
- Nginx
Circuit Breaker
Isolate access to remote services and third-party libraries to prevent cascading failures.
Common fault tolerance approaches:
- Thread Isolation
- service Fusing
- Alibaba Sentinel
- Netflix Hystrix
- Resilience4j
- Envoy
Distributed Configuration
- Spring Cloud Config
- By default, Git is used to store configuration, which can support client configuration refresh, encryption and decryption operations
- Consul
- Alibaba Nacos
- Ctripcorp Apollo
Distributed Tracing
The relationship between microservice calls is complex, and it is necessary to use this type of component for monitoring and troubleshooting.
- Performance monitoring
- Full Link Tracking
- Certain code
- Certain sql
- CPU Operation Status
- Link Operation time-consuming
- …
- Zipkin
- Sky Walking
- Jaeger
- HTrace
- Pinpoint
Distributed Transactions
Use Cases:
- Distributed ID generator
- AT
- 2PC (Two Phase Commit)
- Strong consistency
- TCC (Try Confirm Cancel)
- Eventual consistency
- Saga
- Advantages
- Long lived transaction
- Execution strategies
- Forward recovery (The premise is that each sub-transaction will eventually succeed.)
- Backward recovery (Rollback via per-subtransaction compensation mechanism)
- Transaction Coordination
- Choreography
- Orchestration
- Advantages
- XA Specification
- Local-Message-Based Distributed Transactions
- Transactional-Message-Based Distributed Transactions
Distributed Batch Task
- Spring Cloud Task
Distributed Cache
- Redis
Distributed Message Queue
A message queue consists of publishers and consumers, and delivers messages to one or more consumers on first-in-first-out (FIFO).
- RabbitMQ
- Based on AMQP, supports to JMS
- Written by Erlang
- High stability, high consistency
- Kafka
- Distributed Message System
- High throughput
- ActiveMQ
- Based on JMS
- AmazonSQS
- RocketMQ
- Based on JMS
- Alibaba’s product, and hosted by Apache Foundation now
- IronMQ
- Pulsar
- Redis
- Supports to JMS
Because the production and consumption of messages are asynchronous, and only care about the sending and receiving of messages, without the intrusion of business logic, the decoupling of producers and consumers is achieved.
MQ is a message communication model, not a specific implementation. The mainstream ways to implement MQ are as following:
- AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)
- Basic
- Just a protocol of data exchange
- No limit in programming languages, and has various kinds of message models
- Concepts
- Producer
- Consumer
- vHost
- Channel
- Broker
- Durability
- Location
- Disk
- Types
- Exchange
- Queue
- Message
- Location
- Components
- Exchange
- Direct (Routing, by default)
- Fanout (Publish/Subscribe)
- Headers
- Topic
- Dead Letter
- Queue
- Exchange
- Durability
- Basic
- JMS (Java Message Service)
- Basic
- Actually refers to JMS API for Java, including create, send and receive
- Limited in Java, and has only 2 kinds of message models
- Basic
Message Bus
The message bus does not guarantee first-in-first-out (FIFO). Subscribers to a message bus can receive published messages without knowing the publisher. These modes are also known as pub/sub.
Messages are published to the bus by the sending API, and any receiving API subscribed to a message of any type will then receive the corresponding message.
Use Cases:
- Used to propagate cluster state changes
- Microsoft Azure Service Bus
- Oracle Enterprise Service Bus
- RabbitMQ (MassTransit)
Log Monitoring (Collect and Analyze)
- ELK Stack
- Elasticsearch
- Logstash
- Kibana
- GrayLog
Authentication and Authorization Solutions:
- Distributed Session
- Client-side Token
- JWT (JSON Web Tokens)
- Combination of Client-side Token and API Gateway
- Spring Security
- Apache Shiro
Microservice Stacks
Spring Cloud Official
- Dynamic Configuration
- Spring Cloud Config (SCC)
- SCC Client/Server
- Service Calling
- OpenFeign
- RestTemplate
- API Gateway
- Spring Cloud Gateway
- Load Balancing
- Spring Cloud LoadBalancer
- Circuit Breaker
- Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker
- Service Monitoring
- Spring Boot Admin
- Distributed Tracing
- Spring Cloud Sleuth
- Distributed Transactions
- NA
- Distributed Message
- Spring Cloud Stream (SCS)
- SCS RabbitMQ/Kafka
- Message Bus
- Spring Cloud Bus
Spring Cloud Netflix
- Dynamic Configuration
- Netflix Archaius
- Service Discovery
- Netflix Eureka
- Service Calling
- Feign
- API Gateway
- Netflix Zuul
- Load Balancing
- Netflix Ribbon
- Circuit Breaker(Fault Tolerance)
- Netflix Hystrix
- Distributed Tracing
- NA
- Distributed Transactions
- NA
- Distributed Messages
- NA
- Message Bus
- NA
Spring Cloud Alibaba
- Dynamic Configuration
- Alibaba Nacos Configuration
- Service Discovery
- Alibaba Nacos Service Registry
- Service Calling
- Dubbo RPC
- API Gateway
- Spring Cloud Gateway (Spring Cloud official support, after Finchley version)
- Dubbo + Servlet
- Load Balancing
- Spring Cloud LoadBalancer (Spring Cloud official support, after Hoxton version)
- Dubbo LB
- Circuit Breaker
- Alibaba Sentinel
- Distributed Tracing
- NA
- Distributed Transactions
- Seata
- Distributed Message
- SCS RocketMQ
- Message Bus
- Spring Cloud Bus (SCB)
Service Orchestration
- Docker
- OpenStack
- Kubernates (K8S)